Sunday, September 21, 2008

Weekly Topic All HAllows Eve dishcloth Swap

Here in Atlanta, it's finally cooling down, and beginning to truly seem like fall. I sit now with windows open, and the air is cooler than usual, and trees are beginning to change. For me, cool mornings, crisp evenings, and trees in red, gold and orange glory are the very best parts of Fall - What are your favorite parts of fall? How do you know it's truly arrived where you are?

I love the cooler weather. Do not get me wrong I love summer but I was born in the fall and I love it. Doing stuff outside is so nice a long sleeve shirt and you are good to go.

Also love Halloween and Thanksgiving.

1 comment:

Darcys Knotty Knitter said...

I was also born in the fall and love the cooler weather and the yummy autumn colors inspire me.Hugs Darcy